Tue 21 Jan
Sexy mature skilled woman wants you to come play with her kitty.. Let's cum together.very addictive. - 32
(Colorado Springs)
$$$$$100 Low Special **NEW Fresh GFE Girl Next Door College Sweetheart ! Until 2p.m. - 21
(colorado springs)
❤️❤️PUERTO RICAN baddie ready to CUM over? Iwanna play❤️❤️❤️ - 25
(Denver, DTC/Englewood/OUT, Englewood)
**** ** SEXY **** *** HOTTTT ***** ***** PUERTO *** RICAN** ****** ********** - 29
(Houston/college station)
**** ** SEXY **** *** HOTTTT ***** ***** PUERTO *** RICAN** ****** ********** - 29
(Houston/college station)
💥💥💨💨☄☄Bite My 🍑🍑🍑🍑👑💎Princess💎👑 All Me ✈✈All Day💋💋💋 Cum 👀 Play☄☄💨💨💥💥 - 22
(Aurora, Aurora hwy225, Denver)
*****Sexy Sweet Blonde w/all natural DDD's-Creamy white soft skin & big juicy butt**Huge tits!!! - 34
(75N/285 @interchange (easy on&off; inters)
******100HH ****** CUM AND PLAY WITH ME ****** VISITING ****100HH TODAY ONLY!!! - 21
_____________ _!!! ____ _______HOT____ ____SeXY___ ___GReAT__( . )( . )____TiGhT__ BODY___ ________
(Nice Up Scale Incall)
$100 Specials ________ _!!! ____ _______HOT____ ____SeXY___ ___GReAT__( . )( . )____TiGhT__ BODY!!!
(Nice Up Scale Incall)
SeXi ~ ReD BoNe ~ WET~ SQuRtR ~~~100% REAL~(in-call SPECIALS) - 21
(Buckhead/Dunwoody (615.945.9202))
Sexy Russian Redhead Lexy - 25
(Astoria, Babylon, Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, Downtown manhatten, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens)
*** CaRaMeL*** JAWDRO PPING _RaTeD (Q 40) XxX ____ SpEcAiLs ______ AlL DaY ! - 21
(Marietta Area !!! 75 n)
ReAL THiiCK ChicK w/ T0P 0F ThE SkiLLS 1000% ReaL IN & OUT SPECIALS - 21
(Atlanta, NEAR Airport-INCALLS & OUTCALLS sur.AREA)
******___ Young ___ Wet ___ Seattle ____ Hottie ___ Visiting ___******* Cum Play!!!! ****** - 21
♥ "Y" LiMiT uR sElF 4 LeSs cUm 2 tHe BeSt SExY & YoUnG & ReAdY 2 hAv SuM sUpErHeAd G F E* FuN! - 22
(LoCaTeD uP NoRtH)
Sexy Russian Redhead Lexy - 25
(Astoria, Babylon, Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, Downtown manhatten, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens)
*** Waterfall Of Pleasure N Gumdrops Of The Sweetest Sweetness *** Cum N Play Wit US
T I g h T --xXx-- W eT --xXx-- YOUNG *** E B O N Y *** pu SSY 100HHR $$$$$ SPECIALS TODAY!! - 18
£°~ Sexy thick black n creole freak~ SPECIALS all day papi lets cum out in the rain n play - 22
(Cleveland eastside/ incall only)
100 roses gfe SPECIAL NEW to CLEvElaNd YOUNG tender PEaCHes* WET & CReaMY 100 ROSES 60 MIN* - 19
Xo*Xo* Two Sexy Girl's in town .....Xo*XO* Cum n Play ...Great specials*
(San Marcos/ New Braunfels)